24 January 2018

​Morning attractions upto Port Authority Square : Already covered in Blog PART I.
PART II, DAY 13 : sightseeing ramaining tarrractions, Dinner back to Hotel.
PART II : MAY 20 Day 14 Barcelona - Doha - Mumbai.

This is screen shot of​ map.​ Part II, of Day 13+14 Barcelona sightseeing + Air Routes.

Screenshot of map gives only limited information.On the other hand "interactive map"created by me in google"my maps" gives much much more information.For interactive map GO HERE..
OR go to link:https://goo.gl/jtdnEV
With this link interactive map will open in new window.
To navigate through this map use the left vertical panel of the map:
1.Size of the map can be vried by zooming-in or zooming-out as with normal map. For details zoom-in.
2.Panel gives contents of the map which are self explainatory.Placeing the cursor on any point say,FC Barcelona  in this panle, will show location of Camp Nou, FC Barcelona  on the map ringed by a white circle.A click on the same point will open a panel in the map itself showing information about Camp Nou, FC Barcelona Zoom in to see details of Camp Nou, FC Barcelona.All the place​c in​panels have at least one photo of that place.If you want to see all the photos of Camp Nou, FC Barcelona GO HERE.   
or go to link https://goo.gl/SC3Fps.This will open photos of not only of Camp Nou, FC Barcelona,but for ALL photos taken on Day 13 + 14 of 19 + 20 May 2017
3.Similar action can be repeated for all the points in interactive map.
PART II, Day 13,19 May 2017.


Camp Nou, tha largest football stadium in Europe
Camp Nou the largest football stadium in Europe.
Photo courtesy barcelona.de website.
FC Barcelona Home Stadium. 
With  statue of Laszio kubalaat FC Football stadium Barcelona.
The FC Barcelona is a club with many superlatives: it is the second largest sports club in the world, with the Camp Nou the games take place in Europe's largest football stadium and the club has compared to the European clubs the most enrolled fan bases.
Barça is an important part of Barcelona's and the Catalan history. On match days you can feel at every corner that the FC Barcelona is more than just a football club for the people here. That's what the motto is about: "Més que un club" (more than a club).
Just like you don't have to be religious to be fascinated by Gaudí's Sagrada Familia, you don't have to be a football fanatic to be electrified by the tension that's in the air on match days.
A visit to a home game or at least a visit of the stadium is just as much a "Must see" as for example the Sagrada Familia, La Pedrera or the beach.
Not withstanding what Barcelona.de,a barcelona travel guide web site, says about Camp Nou or FC Barcelona. I felt it was wasted one odd hour as I am not a fotball fan nor was any one else from our group.Particularly so because Barcelona had so many more, better attractions than the a look at the Stadium facade.To add insuil to injury we did not even enter the stadium,nor did we see The famous Museum of Barcelona Football Club,nor did we see any other building or facility.We Just saw the facade of the stadium , took photos and left for next place,Bit disappointed.

Some more photos of FC Barcelona Stadium 

Facade FC Barcelona Stadium

Qatar Advertisement, Sponsor, FC football team at FC stadium in Barcelona.

With  statue of Laszio kubalaat FC Football stadium Barcelona.
Francesc Miró-Sans i Casacuberta (1918 – 1989) was a former president of FC Barcelona.

Sketing Rink at FC Football Stadium.

There are many more photos of Camp Nou. 
To see the themGO HERE.

OR go to the Link :
This will not only open other photos of Camp Nou , but all the Photos taken at Barcelona on 19 & 20 May 2017.With this visit to Camp Nou or FC Football Stadium came to an end . Felt disappointed and a bit west of time.
Proceeded to next Place which was Casa Mila 

BUT, before I write about Casa Mila, , just few words about the genius whose almost every building  created by him had become a world Heritage Sites.He had built seven noteble buildings in and around Barcelona. Every one of them declared as World Heritage site !! 
Antoni Gaudí i Cornet (1852 – 1926) was an architect from Reus, Catalonia, Spain.He is the best known practitioner of Catalan Modernism.
Seven properties built by him in or near Barcelona testify to Gaudí’s exceptional creative contribution to the development of architecture and building technology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These monuments represent an eclectic, as well as a very personal, style which was given free reign in the design of gardens, sculpture and all decorative arts, as well as architecture. The seven buildings are: Parque Güell; Palacio Güell; Casa Mila; Casa Vicens; Gaudí’s work on the Nativity façade and Crypt of La Sagrada Familia; Casa Batlló; Crypt in Colonia Güell.
Of these we saw two. Casa Mila and Sagarada Familia.Both will be coverd in this blog. 


Casa Mila.The quarry house. It has no right angles 
Photo courtesy web site bellesguardgaudi.com/en/blog/gaudi-buildings-barcelona.

The Casa Milà is one of Antoni Gaudí's last buildings, before he completely dedicated himself to the Sagrada Familia. The Casa Milà is  one of the best known and most impressive buildings in Barcelona.
The house is also known as "La Pedrera", the quarry house b
ecause of the unusual construction. The large stone slabs were first mounted to the facade and then processed by the craftsmen.
You can visit an art exhibition in the Belle Etage, an apartment on the top floor with furnishings from the 20s of the previous century, the top floor with an exhibition of works by Antoni Gaudí and especially the roof, with its famous ventilation openings, which partly look like soldiers.
The house itself consists of two houses, which are connected only by the facade, the ground floor and the roof. Each has its own courtyard and entrance.The front of the house looks like massive rocks, relaxed only by the wavy lines of iron and beaten ornaments. The bright stone of this otherwise colourless facade distinguishes it from all of Gaudí's other works and is very expressionistic.The house has a natural ventilation system, which makes air conditioning unnecessary and in Gaudi's plans were privided with an elevator, however the elevator wasn't built in the building until much later. You can move the interior walls. A concrete-steel construction, which requires no load-bearing walls makes this possible. The highlight of Casa Milà is without doubt the roof. Not only the overwhelming view of the city attracts the eyes of the visitors. Moreover the chimneys, ventilation shafts and stairwells with their fanciful colors and shapes attract them. Some chimneys look like soldiers, who watch over the roof.
We only saw the facade of Casa Mila from the road crossing.Spent may be 15 to 20 odd minutes looking at it. Leave alone seeing terrace did not even see the interiorof Casa Mila. 
Another disappointment. Some more phitis of Casa Mila.

Casa Mila.

Casa Mila.

Casa Mila 
Even the lamp posts at Casa Milla Square were designed by world famous artists.

There are many more photos of Casa Mila.
To see the themGO HERE.

OR go to the Link :
This will not only open other photos of Casa Mila , but all the Photos taken at Barcelona on 19 & 20 May 2017.With this visit to CaMila or the querry house came to an end . Felt disappointed and a bit west of time.
Proceeded to next Place which was Sagarada Familia..


Catalan The Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família,
SanishTemplo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia;
 English: Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family​.

Another view Sagarada Familia.

Side view.

Another view on way out.

Of the all numerous works By Antoni Gaudi, Sagarada Famila is the grandest and most famous landmark and one of the city's most impressive sights. The church is huge in its dimensions, which is why it is often referred to as a "cathedral".Though it is not so. In November 2010 Pope Benedict XVI consecrated and proclaimed it a "minor basilica",as distinct from a cathedral, which must be the seat of a bishop.
​I​n the middle of the 19th century, José María Bocabella, president of the Holy Brotherhood, planned to build a church in Barcelona and dedicated it to the Holy Family "Sagrada Familia". He chose a property within the street grid in the former "Poblet" (small village),
​a property closer to the city centre was not possible due to the already high land prices.
Initially, the diocese architect Francisco del Villar planned the church. He designed a church in the Gothic style and the work according to these plans began in 1882 with the construction of the crypt. Due to fundamental disagreements with Bocabella, he resigned.A few months later, in 1883, the young architect Antoni Gaudí took his place and found his life's work in it.
​ Under Gaudí, the church became so important because of its expansive dimension and lush design. Gaudí was convinced that the city would someday be known for "his" church.​​
​At the ​time of his death at age 73 in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete​. His work on the Sagrada Familia.​ His influence on the project was such that even after his death future architects of the project are following his plans and designs.

​It has become​ longest project under construction in the world..

But all are certain: because of its immensity the Sagrada Familia, once completed, will surpass all the churches previously built by Christendom.
Moreover, as a church, the Sagrada Familia may not be viewed solely from an artistic point of view. During the visit one should also consider the profound religiosity, which is reflected in the symbolism of almost every single stone of the building with its facades and towers.
The church building of the Sagrada Familia is based on the classical construction of a five-aisled basilica. The middle ship clearly towers the others, each of the five is assigned a gate to the unfinished glory facade. There are also two side portals that lead to the penitential and baptistry chapel. The altar is located behind the nave, inside the apse, in the light of the many windows.

The Facades of the Sagrada Familia

Image result for facades sagrada familia
Nativity façade,
The Nativity faces East.The name comes from the fact that it tells the story of Jesus’ birth, childhood and young manhood. 
Photo &Text courtesy promptguides.com.

Highly ornamental Nativity Facade .My photo.

Some details Nativity Facade .My photo

barcelona 104
Passion Facade.
Strong lines and clean cuts of Passion Facade are in stark contrast to Nativity Facade.
Photo Courtesy exploration-online.com/
Some details Nativity Facade .My photo.

Passion Facade faces West.
In contrast to Nativity facade this shows Crucifiction, death of Christ.

Some details Passion Facade .Clean cut,stark images Passion Facade.  

Another View.Passion Facade.

There are the various facades of Sagarada Familia.1. Nativity Facade orThe Facade of Christ's Birth (Christmas Facade), 2. The Three Portals of the Facade of Christ's Birth,The Tree of Life​ is part of this facade. 4.The Facade of the Ordeal AND 5 .The Facade of the Bliss.
Their grandness has to be seen to be believed.
​It would be very interesting to read the details to really know th complexities, the beauty of and the genius of Antono gaudi.To maintain proportion of blog length a link to web site is given Please do read it.

Interior of Sagarada Femilia.

Interior Saragarada Familia.Staine glss windows.

Interior Saragarada Familia.Staine glss windows.

Interior Saragarada Familia.Staine glss windows.

Interior Saragarada Familia

The church building of the Sagrada Familia is based on the classical construction of a five-aisled basilica. The middle ship clearly towers the others, each of the five is assigned a gate to the unfinished glory facade. There are also two side portals that lead to the penitential and baptistry chapel. The altar is located behind the nave, inside the apse, in the light of the many windows.
Just as the facades are characterised by a multi-layered symbolism, the floor plan of the church is full of symbols. Every door, every pillar and almost every surface has its own specific or symbolic meaning. These allusions and parables refer to the individual Catalan and important Spanish dioceses, to every church in Latin America and to each of the five continents. Additionally, the apostles, great founders of the order and especially revered saints, the theological virtues, the sacraments and much more are referred to again and again.

The Vault and Column System inside the Basilica.

Pillars transform the interior of the temple into a stone palm forest,
Sagarada Familia.
Photo courtesy wikimediacommons.org.

  Branch like Columns support the vault .Which has glass opening for natural light . 

 Branch like Columns support the vault . Glass windows for natural light.

Gaudi besides being a pious and religious person was also a lover of nature.He wanted the roof and structural load bearing columns to be in the shape of trees.To achieve this he carried out Through research to determine how the structural load could be distributed and so was able to fulfil his objective 
Gaudí's columns are inclined and branched like trees. The weight is guided directly over the pillars into the ground - all of that without load-bearing facade or outer longwall sheets. The result of this ingenious solution is spectacular: the pillars and the vaults they carry transform the interior of the temple into a stone palm forest, with an abundance of light streaming in through the large windows and through the vault.
The straight and partially inclined columns are decorated with grooves. This creates the impression that the material that makes up the columns has stretched. Above, the pillars branch so that each of them can support multiple points on the ceiling. All sections of the roof are supported by such branched columns.

Finally, the columns are made of materials of different hardness. The longest and thickest columns are made of reddish porphyry, a very hard, volcanic rock. The darker, slightly smaller columns are made of basalt, the brighter pillars of granite and the outermost row of columns in the church building of a relatively soft rock from the mountain of Barcelona, the Montjuïc. The "smallest" columns carry the choir.
The Five Naves,
The Apse of the Sagrada Familia.
The Towers of Sagrada Familia.
The Rosary Chapel.
The Crypt.
The Cloister of the Sagrada Familia is Unusual.

Each ad every aspect, The design, the plans, the architectural beauty, gigentic dimensions  the symbolism and the magnificance of each and every structure mentioned above is living proof of his genius.
Constrains of space and limit to the patience of readers prevents me from describing themin details . But my source for this is open source Tourism Guide of Barcelona at the website /www.barcelona.de/en/barcelona-sagrada-familia.html.
I very strongly recommend readint it to really konw Sagarada Familia
By the time we returned earphones given to us for the tour of Sagarada Familia it wae 7:00 PM.
So we left Sagarada Familia and went to Shanti Restaurant for Dinner.Then straight to Hotel and bed as we had to get up early to catch flight for return journey .

END 19 MAY 2017 , DAY 13 OF THE TOUR.   

20 may, Day 14.Morocco, Portugal,Spain Trip .

Last day of trip. Got up very early. Reached Barcelona Airport fora flight to Doha . From there an onward flight to Mumbai and inally to Nagpur .
Rots followed are given in the map.
Overall it was agood trip. With the plus and minus points of a Group Tour.


21 January 2018

PART - I  Blog covers SIX Attractions .Last one being Port authorithy .
Next AttractionFC Barcelona and more covered in PART II

This is Screenshot of Map. Part I, Day 13,Barcelona 19 May 2017.   

Screenshot of map gives only limited information.On the other hand "interactive map"created by me in google"my maps" gives 
much much more information.For interactive map Go Here.
OR go to link: 

With this link interactive map will open in new window.
To navigate through this map use the left vertical panel of the map:Go Here
1.Size of the map can be vried by zooming-in or zooming-out as with normal map. For details zoom-in.
2.Panel gives contents of the map which are self explainatory.
  Placeing the cursor on any point say,Plaza Espanya in this panle, will show location of Plaza Espanya  on the map ringed by a white circle. A click on the same point will open a panel in the map itself showing information about Plaza Espnya.
  Zoom in to see details of Plaza Espnya.All the place in the  panel has at least one photo of that place . 
  If you want to see all the photos of  Plaza Espanya,Go Here..
  or go to link https://goo.gl/VpG27J 
  This will open photos album of not only Plaza Espnya but for all of Barcelona photos of 19 May.
3.Similar action can be repeated for all the points in interactive map.

Day 13,19 May 2017.

It was all normal day​. Normal wake up call. Get ready. photoshoot before breakfast. Catch the coach and start for the first destination of the day,which was Montijuic Castle.
On the way saw some interesting sights, Monuments, Statues and Fountaions.As always, took photos of all such sight spotted on my side of the coach. On the way to Montijuic Castle saw, 1. Saint Jordie Statue in Round about of same name, 2. Barcelona City View, 3. Montijuic Castle moat and Castle wall. Information about every point has been reasearched and given in the panel along with photos.Then reached Castle proper. 

Castell de Montjuïc , Montijuic Castle.

From here get beautiul view of City , and Port.
Screen shot of google satellite map​

Castle Rampart with cannon and beautiful view of Port.
Castle Ramparts .Magnificant view of Barcelona city.
On far hill is Torre de Collserola and Temple of Sacred Heart Of Jesus.

From Barcelona's 173 m( 213 m at www.visitacity.com) high mountain, the Montjuïcthe origin of the name is Jew Mountain or Hill of Jove. From here you have a spectacular view over the sea, the port and the city. On top of it is the Castell, a huge fortress, the final form, which was constructed in the end of the 18th century.

 With roots dating back to1640 when it was constructed, for the next 110 years it was witness to many battles almost on a reguler basis including The Reapers' War and  Spanish War of Succession.

In 1751 engineer  Juan Martin Cermeño was assigned to  demolish the old Castle of 1640 and start new construction with enhancement on the Castle Castle which exist to its present day form.120 artillery canons also got installed of the Fort ramparts .
Since its construction for the next 300 odd years the castle had acquired infanous reputation as symbol of torture and oppression.During the time under Franco. Between 1936 and 1938 alone, 173 people were executed here, one of them being the president of the Generalitat de Cataluny, Lluís Companys, on October 15, 1940.
Until 1960, the Castell served as military prison until it was handed over to the city. Parts of it are still used for military purposes today. As a symbol of the former oppression, it was restored for the Olympic Games in 1992 and large parts of it were made accessible to the public again.
The decree to hand over the Castell to the city was enhanced in 2007 and on June 15,
2008, it was officially handed over to the city as a cultural site. On this day, 40,000 people visited a concert in honor of Lluís Companys and Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia.
Nowadays, there are frequent concerts, seminars and exhibitions being held at the castell and it is a popular tourist attraction, especially because of its unique view over the city of Barcelona, the sea and the port.It has also become a major tourist attraction 

Castle Ramparts, Cannon & Statue. 

Selfie. Barcelona City in background.

Bridge on Moat and Manin Gate Montijuic Castle.

Cannon on Castle Ramparts.
There are many more photos of Montijuic Castle . to see all the photos of Montijuic castle Go Here.
or go to link https://goo.gl/xA8G3U

 Jardins del Mirador Garden. 

Fountain and landscaping of the Garden. 

Statue on the way to Garden.

Statue of 4 Male & 4 Female figures doing Saradna.A typeof Catalan Dance.

Panoramic view of Pory from Jardins Del Mirador Garden.

Did not spend much time and photos etc were taken n the march down the hill. There are many more photos of Montijuic Castle . to see all the photos of Montijuic castle Go Here.
or go to link https://goo.gl/xA8G3U
This will open photo- album of not only Jardins Del Mirador garden   but for all photos of Barcelona of 19 May.
At the bottom of the hill made RV with coach and left for Olympic Stadium.On the way 

Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, commonly KNOWN AS
Olympic Sadium

Panoramic view of Stadium.
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys formerly known as the Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc and Estadio de Montjuic) is a stadium in Barcelona.
Originally built in 1927 for the 1929 International Exposition in the city (and Barcelona's bid for the 1936 Summer Olympics, which were awarded to Berlin), 
In the fifties, the stadium was the centerpiece of the 1955 Mediterranean Games, and in 1957 it hosted the only national football cup Final between FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol, the two local clubs.
In the seventies the stadium was disused, and the stands deteriorated. When the Spanish Grand Prix and other races were held at the Montjuïc racing circuit, the stadium was used as a paddock for the teams. Due to safety concerns, the 1975 F1 race was nearly boycotted by drivers.Due to the award of the 1992 Summer Olympics to Barcelona, the stadium was renovated with the involvement of Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti. The stadium was gutted, preserving only the original facades, and new grandstands were built. In 1989 the venue was re-inaugurated for the World Cup in Athletics, and three years later it hosted the opening and closing ceremonies and the athletics competitions of the Olympic Games
The stadium has a capacity of 55,926 (67,007 during the 1992 Olympics), and is located in the Anella Olímpica, in Montjuïc, a large hill to the southwest of the city which overlooks the harbor. In 2001, the stadium was renamed after the former president of the Generalitat de Catalunya Lluís Companys, who was executed at the nearby Montjuïc Castle in 1940 by the Franco regime

Magnificant Olympic Clock tower.
Two equestrian Statues flanking the path from entrance.
Artistic and slim Olympic flame holder on the right.Flags on right.

 The Montijuic Communication Tower and Indoor Stadium

Chariots installed on the facade of Olympic Stadium

Montijuic Communication Tower.

Artistic and slim Olympic flame holder
There are many more photos of Olympic Stadium. To see all the photos of  Olympic Stadium GO HERE.
 or go to link https://goo.gl/wCqVH5 
 This will open photos- album of not only Montijuic Castle  but for all photos of Barcelona of 19 May.

After completing the visit to Olympic Stadium, we started for next attraction ie The Palau Nacional (Catalan for ‘National Palace).On the way saw,In fact while going around the roundal of Plaza Espanya and throughout the city tour came across some of the locations more than once.Information about every point has been reasearched and given in the map panel along with photos. On the way now saw: 1.The Casaramona., 2. Pura Brasa Arenas.

 After crossing Pura Brasa Arenas we were dropped at (location) 3. Indian Restaurant Tandoor.
After lunch we we proceeded to, at one time THE PALAU NACIONAL(National Plalace) and NOW Museu National d'Art de Catalunya​(MNAC) ​or National Museum of Art of Catalonia. 

Museu National d'Art de Catalunya
​(MNAC)​ ​
National Museum Of Art of Catalan.
Photo Courtesy barcelona.de website. 

National Museum of Art Of Catalina. My photo.

The Palau​ Nacional​ was originally the Spanish Pavilion at the World Fair of 1929.A Catalan Museum Act, the
Museu National d'Art de Catalunya MNAC was founded in 1990 by the merger of the Museu d'Art de Catalunya (Romance, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque) and the Museu d'Art Modern (Arts of the 19th and 20th century).
With a ground surface of 32,000 m², the Spanish Renaissance-inspired building has a rectangular floor plan flanked by two side and one rear square sections, with an elliptical dome in the centre. The fountains by the staircases leading to the palace are the work of Carles Buïgas.
The Museum National d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC) is housed in the Palau National, a neo-baroque palace. The museum building is located at the foot of the mountain of Barcelona, the Montjuïc.
The Palau was originally the Spanish Pavilion at the World Fair of 1929. After extensive renovation work it was reopened in 1997. Overall, the museum exhibits more than 260,000 works of art and is therefore the largest and most important museum in Barcelona.
A Catalan Museum Act, the museum MNAC was founded in 1990 by the merger of the Museu d'Art de Catalunya (Romance, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque) and the Museu d'Art Modern (Arts of the 19th and 20th century).
The most world's largest collection of Roman frescoes fills most of the rooms of the MNAC. The Romanesque frescoes date from the vestibule of 29 major Romanesque churches in the Pyrenees. So they could be saved before being destroyed by the Spanish Civil War. The frescoes are in so-called "ambits'. These are small demarcated areas. In each ambit is information about the church, from which the frescoes are. In addition, the MNAC shows countless sacred objects.
The MNAC has the most important collection of Catalan art from the 19th Century and the first decades of the 20th Century. Several phases of art history changed in this time: neoclassicism, realism, modernism (Catalan Art Nouveau).
In addition to the Roman frescoes in the MNAC is located a department of Gothic frescoes and statues, a smaller collection is devoted to works of the Baroque and the Renaissance.
The Numismático Gabinete de Cataluña (GNC), the most important public collection of coins, a total of 130,000 units, 6 Century BC to tdate and 7800 pieces will be issued.
In the restored National Palau you also find changing exhibitions.

Magic Fountain,Venatian Towers foreground and Barcelona city.
Seen from National Museum.

Central Dome. National Museum.

Statue near stair case.

Selfie at National Museum.

There are many more photos of National Stadium To see all the photos of  National Museum GO HERE.
 or go to link https://goo.gl/wCqVH5 
 This will open photos- album of not only National Museum,  but for all photos of Barcelona taken on 19 May.

After completing the visit to National museum, we started for next attraction ie The Port Authority Building & Squuare.Interesting locations seen on the way were 4. Dona i ocell- Statue, 5. Venetian Towers, 6. Asociación Graphispack, 7. Pura Brasa Arenas, 8. Income Tax Building.After this were dropped at next place which was Square in front of Port Authority Building,


Port Vell,Port Authority-Admiral Historic Authority.

This imposing structure at one time was old customs building.Locally it is known as " Port Vell". Which literally means "Old Port" a name given to in the times past but locally, still continues to be in use. Like every thing else in Barcelona the complete area including the building were renovated and given face lift.  We did not go inside the building other than a Statue of Rómulo Bosch ​there was not much to see.To get a view of the sea front,boats etc one had to go all the way to seafront. I felt the only thing worth while to have a good look was Columbus Monument . We did walkup to it and took a selfie.Full details about it given in map panel . I will recommended reading it.  Still the time given at this palce was so short that neither we could go to the sea front nor really have a good look at Columbus Monument. Greatly disappointed with this place as other the photo shoot there was not much to see or do. 

Some photos. 

Port Authority Building.

Corner Port Authority Building
Statue of Rómulo Bosch at Port Vell

Selfie at Columbus Monument.
wish had more time here. 
Tere are many more photos of Olympic Stadium. To see all the photos of  Olympic Stadium GO HERE. 
 or go to link https://goo.gl/SC3Fps
 This will open photos- album of not only Montijuic Castle  but for all photos of Barcelona of 19 May.

After completing the visit to Port vell, we proceeded to Camp Nou.Which is the home stadium of FC Barcelona.As the blog has alredy become too long,visit to FC Barcelon will be Covered in PART II of DAY 13, 19 May 2017.