24 September 2024

Our Leh - Ladakh Trip. Shanti Stupa.


Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo
Located at an altitude of 3,609 metres or 11,841 feet, Ladakh Shanti Stupa with the holy Buddha relics enshrined inside, is the world's highest Shanti Stupa. It symbolises World Peace. The Most Ven'ble Nichidatsu Fujii Guruji, founder of Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Order of Japan had built many such holy Stupas in different parts of the world. An associate of Mahatma Gandhi, Ven'ble Fujii Guruji was a recipient of the coveted "Jawaharlal Nehru Award of International Understanding" (1978).
Keeping in mind Ladakh's famed ethos of peace, harmony and tolerance, Ven'ble Kushok Bakula Rinpoche (Padma Bhushan) also known as the 'Architect of Modern Ladakh', sought one such holy Stupa in Leh. He approached Fujii Guruji in this regard while assuring him of his personal cooperation in the matter. His request was accepted by Fujii Guruji. Accordingly, Bhikshu Gyomyo Nakamura was deputed to Leh to coordinate the construction work which commenced on the Changspa Hill in Leh. Sadly, due to his advanced age, Most Ven'ble Fujii Guruji could not visit Leh
The Land Purification Ceremony of Ladakh Shanti Stupa was performed by Ven'ble Kushok Bakula Rinpoche on 8th April 1983. Among those who attended the ceremony included Shri Pinto Norbu, Minister of State for Hospitality and Protocol, Government of J&K, Shri. C. Phunsog, IAS, Deputy Commissioner of Leh, Brig. R.K. Gaur of the Indian Army, guests from Japan and other dignitaries.
H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso laid the Foundation Stone of Ladakh Shanti Stupa on 25th August 1985 on which day the temple attached to the Shanti Stupa was also opened by His Holiness.

On 25th August 1991 Ladakh Shanti Stupa was inaugurated by Ven'ble Thiksey Khenpo Rinpoche in the presence of guests from Nipponzan Myohoji, Japan, leaders of different religious faiths, community leaders, other dignitaries and a large number of people. Ven'ble Togdan Rinpoche Inaugurated the main prayer hall adjacent to the Ladakh Shanti Stupa.
Bulk of the construction cost of Ladakh Shanti Stupa was met by
Nipponzan Myohoji of Japan through funds provided by Buddhists in Japan and other parts of the world. People from across Ladakh including school children, government employees and social organizations under the banner of Ladakh Buddhist Association, headed by Shri Sonam Stobdan and Ladakh Gonpa Association, provided free labour (Shram-
daan) during the entire process of construction. Logistics and material support were also provided by the Leh administration and the Ministry of Defence through its local formation. The approach road to Ladakh Shanti
Stupa was constructed by the PWD which was made possible with the intervention of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India.
Ladakh Shanti Stupa is registered under the Societies Registration Act under the name and style
'Nipponzan Myohoji Shanti Stupa Leh' Execution of Ladakh Shanti Stupa project was supervised throughout by Bhikshu Gyomyo Nakamura who is also the founding President of the Society.
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
Management Committee Nipponzan-Myohoji Shanti Stupa Society, Leh.
This information is taken from the information board installed at the Shanti Stupa by ASI.

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