We reached Madridyesterday,16 May, saw only prodo museum
Today's Madrid sightseeing will be covered in three parts,Part I,II & III.
Part I : Pre lunch Madrid sight seeing.Blog alrady posted.
Part II : Post lunch,Toledo sight seeing.This blog.
Part III : Madrid sightseeing after return from Toledo.
This is screen shot of Part II of Day 11, Toledo sightseeing.Post lunch.
Screenshot of map gives only limited information.On the other hand "interactive map"created by me in google"my maps gives much much more information.For interactive map Go Here
OR go to link: https://goo.gl/eH5DMz
With this link interactive map will open in newwindow.
To navivate through this map use the left vertisal paner of the map:
1.Size of the map can be avried by zooming-in or zooming-out as with normal map. For details zoom-in.
2.Panel gives contents of the map which are self explainatory Placeing the cursor on any point say,Plaza Zodocover, in this panle will show location of Plaza Zodocover on the map ringed by a white circle.A click on the same point will open a panel in map itself showing onformation about Plaza Zodocover.Zoom in to see details of Plaza Zodocover.All the place panels have atleast one hoto of that place .If you want to see all the photos of Toledo to see photos of not only Toledo but photos of full days sightseeing Go Here or go to link https://goo.gl/HJoZvR
3.Similar action can be repeated for all the points in interactive map.
Toledo Tourist Attractions.
As usual got up early and had a photo session.After breakfast left for Madrid. First went toPlaza Oriente and Royal Palace.On the way through the city,saw some awesome beautiful buildings with magnificient statues on top. Viisit to these two places has been covered in blog on part I After lunch proceeded to Toledo took about 1 hour to reach there
Reached Toledo at underground parking around 4:30PM.There took two escalators to reach view point Called Mirador De La Granja.From there aerial view of Toledo was really good.
From day there trip to Toledo started.Actually rather than sight seeing of the Tolrdo landmarks this trip turned out to be WALK THROUGH the labyrinth of narrow lanes through old section of Toledo.Looking at the landmarks and seeing their mafnificant architecture,see photographs, I felt it was worthwhile to spend at least a day in Toledo to see all these wonderful historical sites which have made Toledo a World Heritage site. Even though we did not see these landmarks from inside A brief description of Toledo and some of them will appear in this blog.
labyrinth of narrow lanes through old section of Toledo.
labyrinth of narrow lanes through old section of Toledo.
View of Toledo from across Tagus River.Photo courtesy wikitravel.org
Toledo is one of the Spanish cities with the greatest wealth of monuments. Behind its walls Toledo preserves an artistic and cultural legacy in the form of churches, palaces, fortresses, mosques and synagogues. This great diversity of artistic styles makes the old quarter of the capital of Castile - La-Mancha a real open-air museum, which has led to it being declared a World Heritage Site.
The history of Toledo dates back to Roman occupation (Toletum) circa 192BCE. The ruins of the Roman circus are still visible just outside the walls of the city. Roman occupation was followed by Visigoth rule, Muslim rule and finally the Reconquest of Toledo in 1085CE. Toledo was the capital of the Spanish empire until the mid 1500's.Presence of Christians, jews and Arbs from 8th century onwards had made Toledo "City of Three Cultures".
Toledo was the capital of the Spanish empire until the mid 1500's.This was one of the Toledo's most splendid periods In the mid 15th century the Royal Court and the Capilawas moved to Madrid.
Some of the land marks through whih we passed or saw during our walkthrough were,The Iglesia de Santa Leocadia ,Plaza del Ayuntamiento,Cathedral Treasure Museum,City or Town Hall of Toledo, Arzobispado de Toledo, Plaza Zodocover,Arco de la Sangre,Paseo del Miradero.Their photos appear in the same sequence.We just saw these and other Land Marks as we passed through descriptinon of these are not give.Still it must be said that every landmark had and even today has great importance in the lives of Locals as well as citizens of Spain.Needless to say a great tourist attraction as well.

Mirador De La Granja view point .1st place we saw in Toledo.Reached by two escalators.
Took this panoramc view from that point.
The Iglesia de Santa Leocadia .
1st building we saw as we left view point.

Plaza del Ayuntamiento.Photo courtesy pintrest.es.
Cathedral Treasure Museum,City or Town Hall of Toledo, Arzobispado de Toledo around the Plaza

Cathedral Treasure Museum 1st

one of the Gates Cathedral Treasure Museum .

Another view Cathedral Treasure Museum.
One more view Cathedral Treasure Museum.

City Hall of Toledo.

Arzobispado de Toledo,Office of the Bishop of Toledo
Another view Arzobispado de Toledo

Plaza zodocover.Had coffee in this Mc mcdonald.
Photo with thanks courtescatbirdineurope.wordpress.com
During muslim era a market place thronged by donkeys, horses,vendors and buyers.
Arco de la Sangre,
Paseo del Miradero.View point. This photo taken from there.
Last place to be visited in Toledo.
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