28 January 2019

My Places - My Travels. UPDATED - SEPT 2020.

Updated  Sept 2020. 
Based on my travels maps 
This is "My Places - MY Story" -  Map. It records  .all the places I have lived (Minimum stay two weeks)., visited ( minimum stay one night),This map contains all the Villages , Tows , Cities since the thine I was born and lived my life.Of course I may have missed out a few ,.... 
After 14 June 1973 Priti has been my companion , friend , Philosopher , Guide.
Since 14 June 1973 we have journyed togather through the thick and thin of life . At times arduous , at times difficult and most of the times without much money but most of the times most joyful of days.
I could have naver ever asked for a better partner for undertaking this tremendous experiment , called Life.
The map has been prepared in three layers . Layerwise details are given below .
Layer 1 :- Places I have lived . Blue dot.
                 Stay more than a month.
Layer 2 and 3 :- Places I have Visited . Orange dot.
                 During our Group tours , stay at most of  
                 the places in foreign countries  has
                 been  only overnight , but included as       
                "visited " as we saw most of the important 
               sights of that palce. 
Layer 4 :- Places I have visited outside India.                                                                                      Black Dot.   

My Places - My Travels. 

This is screen shot of map of My Story - My Travels. It is not as useful only gives at idea of the contents of the Map-Travrl Blog. You may call it trailer of main feature.
Main Feature or the real thing is the Interactive Map - Travel Blog. 
Inter active map, as name indicates is interactive. You can choose what you want to see or do not want to see. Can see up to 10 photos in the map panel. Read about trip detais and dscription of the place. If place has more than 10 photos, photos in excess of 10 can be seen in the album link given below the description. Do read captions in photo album. generally they are full of information.
For Interactive map go here.
OR to the link : https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1YWmQJCWow9RtpuZQnIozIfyaaj9nN6EL&ll=4.380091765194827%2C0&z=2
In case you have any problems viewing it please feel free to approach me.
Happy viewing.