It was erected in 1406 and has undergone many later repairs. As the heart of the Forbidden City, the so-called Golden Carriage Palace, used to be the place where emperors received high officials and exercised their rule over the nation. Grand ceremonies would be held here when a new emperor ascended the throne. Celebrations also marked emperors' birthdays, wedding ceremonies and other important occasions such as the Winter Solstice, the Chinese New Year and the dispatch of generals into fields of war.
Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian), commonly known as the Hall of Gold Throne, the magnificent structure was built in 1406 and renovated in 1695. It is 35.5 meters high and has a floor space of 2,300 square meters with 182 beams and 84 pillars. It is the largest wood structure extant in China. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the grand ceremonies such as the enthroned of the emperor, New Year’s Day, proclamation of imperial edicts, receiving successful candidates of imperial examination, and appointment of commander-in-chief of expedition troops were held here.
The interior of the Hall of Supreme Harmony is preserved as in ancient times. On the raised platform is the gilded imperial throne placed on a dais two meters high. Behind the throne is a carved screen. On either side of the throne are a crane-shaped candle-stick, an elephant-shaped incense burner and a column shaped incense burner with a pagoda on top which are all cloisonné wares.
The painted golden throne with a splendid screen behind it stands on a two-meter high dais in the center of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Its back and the lower part are covered with coiled dragons. This is the most magnificent of all the thrones in the palace.
Stair cases , Hall of Supreme Harmony
On the left huge kettle shaed utensil is called copper Dings(鼎,) an ancient cooking utensils, later on, it became the symbol of a country or power.There are a total of 18 of them .
After climbing three tiers we reach the platform of Hall of Supreme Harmony .
The Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing China is the largest and most elegant building in the Forbidden City. The emperor's throne can be found in this palace.
Interior Hall of Supreme Harmony .
Taihedian (Hall of Supreme Harmony) in total has 72 columns to hold the total weight of the architecture. Among the columns, the mid one is the thickest and tallest with a diameter of 1.06 meters and 12.7 meters in height.
Taihedian (Hall of Supreme Harmony) has five rooms long from front to back and 11 rooms long from left to right. It has an architectural area of 2,377 square meters and 26.92 meters high. If it is added the length of the dais, it will be 35.03 meters high. Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony) is the largest palace hall in Forbidden City.
The Emperors Throne, Hall Of Supreme Harmony .
In the middle of the hall, there is a gold throne with nine-dragon sculptures. On both sides of the throne, there are 6 giant pillars with a diameter of 1 meter, and the pillar also has the image of dragons on floating clouds. In the front of the throne, there are four fitments: Baoxiang (Treasured Elephant), Luduan (甪端, a legendary holy animal, partially similar to a lion. It was said that this animal can go 18,000 miles per day and understand all the languages of all the creatures), Immortal Crane and Fragrant Pavilion. The Treasured Elephant symbolizes the strengthening of national stability and sovereignty; Luduan means auspiciousness; Immortal Crane means longevity, and Fragrant Pavilion means the stability of country. On the middle ceiling, there was a crimpling dragon, and the dragon head descends and a pearl in its mouth.

copper tortoise in front of Hall Of Supreme Harmony.In the broad dais in front of Taihedian (Hall of Supreme Harmony), people usually call it Danbi or Yuetai. On the Danbi,(broad dais) there are sundial(日晷, an ancient time calculagraph), Jialiang (嘉量, the ancient measuring equipment), a pair of copper tortoises and a pair of copper cranes as well as 18 copper Dings .
Other than Tortoise & Ding , missed all others :-(
Panoramic , General view of buildings around the Hall Of Supreme Harmony and the Court yard .
Panoramic , General view of buildings around the Hall Of Supreme Harmony and the Court yard .
Hall of Central ( Middle )Harmony (Zhonghedian) .
the Hall of Central Harmony, was originally built in 1420, restored in 1627 and again 1765. It is square in shape rather than rectangular as the other two in the Outer Court and is the smallest of the three. It served as a private retreat or office-cum-study for emperors when on their way to conduct ceremonies in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. It was here that they consulted with their religious ministers. Each year prior to their departure for important sacrificial rites at the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of the Earth or elsewhere, they would read elegiac addresses. Before going to the Temple of the Ancestral Farmers, they would inspect the seeds and farming tools to be used during the ceremony. During the Qing dynasty the imperial genealogy was revised every ten years. A special ceremony was conducted in this hall so that the revision could be presented to His Majesty for approval.The Hall of Central Harmony is square in shape, with an architectural area of 580 square meters (694 square yards). It was covered with yellow glazed tiles and a golden roof. There are doors opened on four sides of the hall, in front of which there are stone steps with the imperial road carved with cloud and dragon patterns in the middle. The outer eaves of the hall were decorated with patterns of golden dragons interspersed with colored decorative paintings. There is a golden throne in the hall, in front of which are standing two golden unicorns, a kind of imaginary mythological animal. It’s said that they could travel 18,000 li (5,592.3 miles) daily, understand many kinds of languages, and know what would happen in the future. They were set beside the throne to symbolize the emperor’s great insight and wisdom and to be used as incense burners. There are also two sedan chairs laid in the hall for the emperor to move around in the Forbidden City.

Hall of Central Harmony,
On the Left : Hall of Supreme Harmony . Center : Hall of Central ( Middle )Harmony (Zhonghedian) . On the right : Hall of Preserving Harmony .
REGRET TO SAY WE DID NOT SEE Hall of Preserving Harmony . Our group got down from the stair case which is visible and proceeded to Imperial Garden through the East Corridor.
In the East Corridor.On our way to Imperial Garden
In the East Corridor.On our way to Imperial Garden
One of the bloggers has called this " Forbidden City back side Gate ", I am not sure that is the correct name . Unable to find correct name of this gate:-(
However location is correct.(See Earth Map )
Imperial Garden Forbidden City
Sadly here again we saw only the portion on the Eastern half of Central Axis . Only consolotaion was most of the things were similar to the one on the Eastern Side . As said earlier one the the disadvantages of Group Travels .
In the Imperial Garden . Forbidden City .
Seating Pavillion . Imperial Garden.Note the very interesting roof construction & the Animal figures in the roof corners .
The Pavilion of Myriad Springs .Also called Pavillion of Ten Thousand Springs.
The Pavilion of Myriad Springs (Wan Chun Ting) lies in the east of the garden. It was built in 1535 and restored during the Qing Dynasty. This pavilion is coordinating from afar with Qiangiu (Thousand Pavilion) in the west. It is formed by four verandas surrounding a square pavilion with marble steps leading to the pavilion. This pavilion is regarded the best pavilion in the Palace.
Pavilion of Floating Green (Fubi Pavilion) Also called Jade-green Floating Pavilion (Fubiting) (Beijing).
Square pavilions over a pond, with open roofed corridors on their southern sides.
The Hill of Acculmulated Elegance (Dui Xiu Shan).
The Hill of Acculmulated Elegance (Dui Xiu Shan).
The artificial hill was made by rocks piled on original site of Guan Hua Dian ( Hall of Appriciating Flowers ),against the Northern Palace Wall .Originally it was named Dui Xiu Shan ( Hill of Accimulated Embroiidary ) and in the Qianlong reign period it was given its present name . The Hill is about 10 meters high .
On the top stands Yu Jing Ting ( Pavillion of Imperial Scenery ), it is reached by a path .
At the Double Ninth Festival every year , The Emperor , Empresses and Imperial Concubines climbed the hill along this path .
Halfway up the hillthere is brick cave running fron East to West.
A cave at the foot of the hill has an arched roof with a stone cassion inscribed with the word " Dui Xiu " ( Accumulatd Elegance ). Half way uo the There are Bronze Jars to store water. Whe water runs down the hill, it sprouts out of the Dragon Heads on the backs of Lions on the Left and Right of the Hill .
Gate Of Divine Might .
The Gate of Divine Might or Gate of Divine Prowess is the northern gate of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It faces Jingshan Park. A tablet above the doorway ,( as seen after getting out of the Forbidden City looking from N to S), reads "The Palace Museum" in Chinese.
We got out of the Frrbidden City from this Gate .Last photo from the inside if Forbidden City .
View of Wanchun Pavilion. As seen after getting out of The Forbiddon City from Gate of Divine Might . It it on a hill top in Jingshan Park ac.From this Pavilion you have an excellent look across the Forbidden City, especially to sun set. But also the view in the other directions is great.
The Gate of Divine Might or Gate of Divine Prowess as seen from the Northern road , It is the northern gate of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It faces Jingshan Park. A tablet above the doorway reads "The Palace Museum" in Chinese.
Watch Tower on the Nort - East Corner of the Moat around the Forbidden City .
At the four corners of the Forbidden City wall sit towers with intricate roofs boasting 72 ridges, reproducing the Pavilion of Prince Teng and the Yellow Crane Pavilion as they appeared in Song dynasty paintings. These towers are the most visible parts of the palace to commoners outside the walls, and much folklore is attached to them. According to one legend, artisans could not put a corner tower back together after it was dismantled for renovations in the early Qing dynasty, and it was only rebuilt after the intervention of carpenter-immortal Lu Ban.
Our Group at the North - East Corner of the moat.
Watch Towers on the Nort - East Corner of the Moat around the Forbidden City .Towards right The Gate of Divine Might is also seen ,
Olympic Fire Statue and Park. On Chaoyanmen North Street, Bejing. Seen on our way to lunch .
Our lunch place . Ganges Indian Restraurant . The Board and accomodation of Paddy Osheas Bar is much Bigger .
After lunch we were taken to a tea House . I think it was located in a Muliti Storied Mall . If I remember rightly we had to climb to third or fourth floor. It was a fairly big place with a tea store , Display for various types of tea and a big hall.The whole place was well decorated with paintings and objects d'atrt .The hall was big . It had mobe than eight odd tables , seating about five to six people each . our full group was seated .Each table was already laid out with traditional tea preapering pots , spirit lapm and traditional tea drinking cups , which were small !!
To the Tea House .
The whole place was well decorated with paintings and objects d'atrt .
The whole place was well decorated with paintings and objects d'atrt .