Hi ,Visitor to this post , welcome,
If you really want to enjoy and take the trip with us some basic knowledge of how google maps work is necessary . If you got that good! Otherwise follow the tips given here.
Open larger map in a separate tab by right clicking the blue link "View Larger Map"given below the map.on the map the left side contains Title and brief description of the trip,the place marks and the route lines.right top corner of map has " map,sat, ter and earth"selections . a click will take you to that map mode . Best viewing is in map for route navigation and sat for places.
Left click on the place mark , Gray squares in this case , this takes you to the location of that place on the map( I have placed location to within +/- 10 feet actual location:-) ) and opens a information window of that place.For better and detailed viewing zoom in to the maximum .Zoom in and zoom out as much as you want for better viewing. The window of place marks for places of interest on the map incorporate THREE links .
First link : Mostly takes one to wikipedia link giving full details about that place .You will know almost every thing about that lace , worth knowing. Found it very interesting , informative and educative . If I have not been able to find it in wikipedia some other link is given
Second link : As I do not have soft copies of the trip this link gives access to Panoramia photos of that place . Thing of interest is that to get full benefit of the link you must navigate in this photo link . As you already know how to navigate , zoom in and zoom out I will not tell you . This link is also very interesting .
Third link : Takes you to google images page to view additional photos of that place . However for reasons I have not been able to find some photos of other and unrelated places are also included so to know that you are looking at photo of correct place read the name of the photo.
When I have soft copies the map will have link to our own photos and panoramia and google images link will be removed..
View Larger Map